This glossary contains about 90,000 technical terms and
abbreviations about libraries, books and data
processing. It is intended to be a resource for librarians and
other users.
Suggestions for improvements and additions will be gratefully
You may search for German or English
terms. You don't have be careful about capital or small letters, German "umlauts"
and "ß" are allowed.
Wild cards will be automatically set. If you search for "book", you'll get every word
where is "book" included. Try singular and plural form or send the searched term,
if you don't find it.
If you are looking for an exact term, give the term like the
following example: " book " (The blanks are important!!)
You will get only the term "book" or phrases including the term.
Boolean search:
One term - will return all terms or phrases including the current word.
Two words with "AND" - will return all terms or phrases including both words.
Two words with "OR" - will return all terms or phrases with including one of the words.
Recommended dictionaries
Didn't find the searched term???
Send one or more missing terms, I will try to complete the
glossary. (But please remember, this is a library glossary!!)
For everything else: http://dict.leo.org/
or http://www.dict.cc/ or http://de.bab.la/woerterbuch/
Author:  |
Last modification: 19-06-2018 |
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Thanx to Vladimir Geshanov
and Jon Hedley for the scripts,
special thanx to Jürgen Peschel for the banner and Michael Rzehak for very helpful tools!!
Last but not least: Very special thanks to Prof. Dr. Eberhard Sauppe!!